Thursday, April 2, 2015

Oh...Hello Little Blog

So yeah...I had very high and lofty intentions on writing many well-written and interesting blog posts with great frequency.  I guess when I made those goals for myself, I forgot that I have a job with lots and lots of papers to grade, a baby who has become mobile and developed a personality, a husband who needs me, a house that needs to be clean, 3 dogs that crave attention, etc.  My new goal is to actually write posts, not write a lot for a week and then forget about the blog for several months.  I am challenging myself to write at least once a week.  I think that is pretty manageable.  

Lots has happened around the house since December.  Aria is crawling and making every attempt to walk.  She also turns one on April 7.  That’s just 6 days away.  I can’t handle it.  Where has the time gone?  Where is my little bitty baby and who is this vocal and funny toddler that eats everything in sight?

I ran a half marathon on Valentines Day!  I finally did it.  I felt pretty good about my time (2.25.19).  Not too shabby for  my very first one.  I did beat my sister’s first half marathon time by 5 minutes.  We have a nice and healthy trash-talking competition going on.  She went on to beat me in a half marathon she ran in March by 2 minutes.  We are running a half marathon together in June, so it is so on.  

That being said, I started training for my June half marathon this week.  I think what I am going to do is one fitness related post each week where I track my training.  I think this will really keep me accountable.  For my first half marathon, I was a bit of a slacker for my training.  I always did my long run on the weekends, but, more often than not, I slacked off on my middle of the week runs.  I would quit early way too much.  

Speaking of working out, I have FINALLY fell into a good workout routine.  I set aside Monday and Friday as rest days.  I did this because these are the two days that I take my little running buddy in the mornings to my mother in law.  I do not have the dedication to get up at the time I would need to in order to go to the gym before this.  And my gym doesn’t open until 5:00 on Mondays, so that day is out.  On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I get up at an ungodly hour (3:50) and go to the gym.  I am there by 4:25, I work out, and I get back home between 5:45 and 6:00.  It’s early and really dreadful to think about, but I really do love it.  There are not too many people at the gym at this time (because everyone is smart enough to know that the only place people need to be at 4:30 is bed), and I can usually get to all of the machines and weights that I need.  On Saturday I run.  Since I am training now, this day will be for my “long” runs.  I will be taking my running buddy with me this time, at least for part of the run.  Papa Bear has recently started going to a workout group on Saturday mornings, so Aria and I will be running together on this day.  On Sunday I usually go to the gym and ride the bike for 45 minutes to an hour, then do some weights.  I am really liking this schedule so far.  I thought 2 rest days would be too much, but it is actually really good for me I think.  I am better able to get out of bed Tuesday-Thursday knowing that I can sleep a little extra on Friday.  Here’s how it has been going this week.

Sunday: Bike 16 miles, upper body weights, ab workout (trying to work on the mama pooch), C25k trainer with Papa Bear
Monday: Rest, ab workout
Tuesday: started half marathon training Ran 2 treadmill miles, leg weights, C25k trainer with Papa Bear
Wednesday: 45 minutes Arc Trainer, weights, ab workout
Thursday: 3 miles on the treadmill, weights, ab workout

So far so good.  This afternoon I am going to my parent’s house in Georgia for Easter, so no gym on Sunday.  I will just be running and maybe hiking while there.  

Thanks for putting up with my wordy attempts at holding myself accountable.  We are always improving right?

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