Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas for an 8 Month Old

I said we were not going to overdo it.  My husband said we were not going to overdo it.  We agreed not to overdo it and made a list of a few gifts.  We even discussed the whole idea of 1) something to wear 2)something you need 3)something you want 4)something to read

...then we went shopping.

Now, I’m not saying I spent an astronomical amount of money on my 8 month old’s first Christmas AND some of the stuff she needs (or at least mommy and daddy need her to need...BUT...when Aria would be just as happy if she unwrapped a box with a plastic cup and some crunchy tissue paper, it puts gift giving in a little more perspective.

So, without further ado, here is what in the minds of Aria’s mommy and daddy are good Christmas presents for an 8 month old.

Columbia Fleece Jacket: I thought I’d start with the needs.  I got her a jacket for next Fall/Winter when it was on sale.  I think I’ve actually had the jacket for 3 months or so.  I got Aria’s at Belk.

Alphabet Floor Mat: Another “need.”  We have hardwood floors downstair and 3 dogs.  I need Aria to have a mat to play on so that I can sit her down and know she won’t be immediately covered with dog hair.  Yes, I know that the same thing could be accomplished with daily swiffering of my floors and a blanket, but I don’t swiffer my floors like I should...therefore, this one was also a “need.”

The Day the Crayons Quit: A lot of my co-workers (other teachers) have been recommending this book.  I know she is a little small to understand it right now, but we can add it to the collection.  Since mommy is an English teacher, Aria has quite a book collection already.  She’s getting another book, but for the life of me I cannot remember the name.  It was about the Sophie giraffe.  Aria loves her Sophie giraffe.  

I also got her a couple of little toys.  I settled on The Fisher Price Xylophone and the Fisher Price Rock a Stack just so she could have a couple little toys to play with.  I knew she was getting a few other interactive things from family members, so I thought these would be good.  I also got the Fisher Price Crawling Minnie because one of her great grandmothers has one at her house and Aria loves it.

Then...I got a little crazy…

The Olaf Cuddle Pillow: Yeah, this made its way into my Amazon shopping cart.  Aria has seen Frozen twice if you count the two times I saw it while she was still in the baking stage.  She’s never actually watched it.  I am convinced she heard the music though because the first time I saw it was the first time I felt lots of fluttering in my belly.  So, Olaf is sitting beside the Christmas tree.

And finally, I purchased the Playskool Let’s Imagine Elmo.  Yes, I know the box say ages 2+.  Yes, I know she has no idea who Elmo is or what he is saying.  I know, I know, but OMG it is so cute!  Elmo will talk like a pirate if you put the pirate hat on him.  That and it made her smile when I played with it in Target, so she’ll be getting that too.  

I also saw the idea on Pinterest to give your child a gift on Christmas Eve with Christmas jamjams, a Christmas movie, hot chocolate, a snack, etc.  We are going to do this too, but on December 23 with just the jamjams and a Christmas counting book.

So...there you have it.  Two grown adults with a plan completely succombing to the commercialization of Christmas and the cuteness of all things baby.  However, regardless of how crazy we may have gotten about presents, I am so excited to see how she acts opening them.  I have no idea what she might be like.  She did “help” me wrap a few presents (and by help I mean try to unwrap) so maybe she’ll get excited a least about the crinkle noise of the paper!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Aria at 8 Months

Aria at 8 months.

Aria actually turned 8 months on Sunday, December 7.  I am a little behind on my pictures.  We took them a week later and decided to stay in our jamjams for it because her doggie jamjams are pretty cute (not to mention we were having a lazy day).

Baby girl has gone through quite a few changes since month 7.  She has one tooth and is working on a second one.  She recently got her DOC band to help the flat spot on the side of her head (she slept on her side with her hand beside her face when she was a newborn...more about that coming soon).  And, we had to break the habit of the Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit because I found her rolled over on her belly one morning when I went to get her up.  The little missy is handling everything like a champ!

Aria and 2 of the 3 doggies have really started to bond.  Elvis and Gaga both love to come sit or play with her, but she is starting to be Elvis’ favorite.  If Aria and I are ever sitting on the couch, Elvis will come get up on the couch with us and put his head in her lap.  

Aria’s favorite toy is probably still her exersaucer, but really anything within reach is starting to be a fun toy.  Also, if she is in her exersaucer, Elvis can come up and they can look at each other.  

Eating has started to be so fun with her.  Aria is very interested in what her daddy and I eat.  I’ve been giving her little bites of things that I know are ok.  So far, we have not had any problems with any foods.  She likes everything, which is great.  I know I was a super picky eater when I was small but I hope Aria is better.  

And my, my, my, she has such a personality.  We’ve been going to various Christmas parties for our neighborhood, work, etc. and Aria loves to show off her eyes and smile.  She is also practicing her bye-bye wave, so she loves to see people and kind of wave at them.  

We are getting so excited for Christmas.  Having a little baby just makes everything so special.  I keep thinking of all these things I would like to do with her...I just have to wait until she is a little older.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Half Marathon Training Week 4 month down and two more to go!

Here's a look at my week this week:

Monday: Rest day!  I slept later and put my jamjams back on as soon as I got home from work.  I think this was also the day I attempted to wrap some Christmas presents, but my mini assistant only wanted to open them.

Tuesday: This was supposed to be a 3.5 mile run day. but this day didn't quite pan out like I wanted.  I had every intention of getting up before work to make it to the gym.  Now, this does mean getting up between 4:00 and 4:30 to make it to the gym, and I challenged myself to try it for two weeks to see how it went.  Trying to squeeze my workouts (especially the runs) in between work and picking up Aria just wasn't working.  My stuff was all together, the coffee was set, and I was going to do it.  Well...Aria decided to be awake from 2:00-4:30 so it just didn't happen on Tuesday.

Wednesday: I got up at 4:15 and made it to the gym to do about 30 minutes on the elliptical and a few arm weights.

Thursday: Again, I was up by 4:15 and got in my 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.  I would much rather run outside, but this works better for me right now.

Friday: I was out the door before 4:15 to make it to the gym this morning.  I knew I needed to be leaving my house to take baby to my mother-in-law by 6:20, so it was an early morning.  I did about 40 minutes on the elliptical again and headed home to start my day.

Saturday: I was really proud of this run.  It was my longest since pre-baby.  I set out to run to work (about 3 miles) and back.  According to my Hal Higdon training schedule, I was only supposed to do 5 miles, but I was feeling good and went for it.  Hubby thinks I should just run to work now and we can save money on a car...if only it were that easy!

Sunday: Sunday is stretch and strengthen day.  I like the T25 Stretch video for this.  I can tell I am still working hard but I'm stretching and strengthening my muscles.'s the shortest workout of my week!

I'm hoping to stick with my early morning workouts next week.  I know life is going to get a little crazy over the next few weeks with family and Christmas, so early mornings before everyone gets going might just be the best thing.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

First Blog Post!

So, this is my first blog post.  Yay!  I tried to start a blog about two years ago (may it rest in peace) but I quickly ran out of things that I wanted to talk about.  

Now, I feel as if I have more to say.  I've changed a lot since then.  I’m a new mom and training for a half-marathon (for reals's on Valentine's Day), and I feel like a blog would be a good place to help keep me accountable for my training.  It’s also a good place to document the happenings in the life of one super cute baby girl!  

So, here is Running with Aria.