Sunday, December 14, 2014

Half Marathon Training Week 4 month down and two more to go!

Here's a look at my week this week:

Monday: Rest day!  I slept later and put my jamjams back on as soon as I got home from work.  I think this was also the day I attempted to wrap some Christmas presents, but my mini assistant only wanted to open them.

Tuesday: This was supposed to be a 3.5 mile run day. but this day didn't quite pan out like I wanted.  I had every intention of getting up before work to make it to the gym.  Now, this does mean getting up between 4:00 and 4:30 to make it to the gym, and I challenged myself to try it for two weeks to see how it went.  Trying to squeeze my workouts (especially the runs) in between work and picking up Aria just wasn't working.  My stuff was all together, the coffee was set, and I was going to do it.  Well...Aria decided to be awake from 2:00-4:30 so it just didn't happen on Tuesday.

Wednesday: I got up at 4:15 and made it to the gym to do about 30 minutes on the elliptical and a few arm weights.

Thursday: Again, I was up by 4:15 and got in my 3.5 mile run on the treadmill.  I would much rather run outside, but this works better for me right now.

Friday: I was out the door before 4:15 to make it to the gym this morning.  I knew I needed to be leaving my house to take baby to my mother-in-law by 6:20, so it was an early morning.  I did about 40 minutes on the elliptical again and headed home to start my day.

Saturday: I was really proud of this run.  It was my longest since pre-baby.  I set out to run to work (about 3 miles) and back.  According to my Hal Higdon training schedule, I was only supposed to do 5 miles, but I was feeling good and went for it.  Hubby thinks I should just run to work now and we can save money on a car...if only it were that easy!

Sunday: Sunday is stretch and strengthen day.  I like the T25 Stretch video for this.  I can tell I am still working hard but I'm stretching and strengthening my muscles.'s the shortest workout of my week!

I'm hoping to stick with my early morning workouts next week.  I know life is going to get a little crazy over the next few weeks with family and Christmas, so early mornings before everyone gets going might just be the best thing.

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